



その一方、安倍政権は矛盾にあふれた ”犯罪的行為” とも言える政策を進めています。



7月26日、サッカーJ1は明治安田生命J1リーグ第7節『サンフレッチェ広島 vs 名古屋グランパス』の試合を急遽中止にしました。名古屋グランパスの選手1名、スタッフ2名に新型コロナの陽性が確認されたため、試合開始7時間前の異例の中止に踏み切ったのです。












日本では東京都や都市部を中心に、「第2波」と思われる感染拡大が続いている最中、安倍政権が積極的に推進しているのがPCR検査ではなく、情けないことに『GO TO トラベル』なのです。

◆ 出典記事 ◆
 『企業に「在宅7割」要請へ 大人数会合自粛を―政府』

 ~2020年7月26日 JIJI.COM~

安倍政権は完全に矛盾しています。まさにアクセルとブレーキを同時に踏み込むことをやっています。『GO TO トラベル』の最中、上の記事にもあるように企業に対しては「在宅7割」を要請する有様です。

この政権は国民を拡散させたいのか? あるいは国民を自宅に閉じ込めておきたいのか? 一体どちらなのでしょう?

少なくとも、このタイミングで日本国民を旅行に扇動するのは ”犯罪的” だと断言します。



現在の安倍政権は ”精神主義” を通り越し、邪馬台国の卑弥呼のような ”呪術的” 政治の恐ろしさすら感じます。

The Abe government should take a lesson from the ”Nagoya Grampus”.

Introduction:The match on July 26 was abruptly cancelled after three people were found to be corona-positive in ”Nagoya Grampus”.

But rather than blaming the Grampus, we were impressed by the swift and thorough response to the new corona in this team and in the J.League.

On the other hand, the Abe administration is pursuing a policy that could be described as “criminal” and full of contradictions.

The Abe administration should take a lesson from the J.League and ”Nagoya Grampus” !

Even ”Nagoya Grampus” was found to be infected with COVID-19!

On July 26, J1 Soccer cancelled the J1 League match between Sanfrecce Hiroshima and Nagoya Grampus, the seventh match of the Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company (Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company). The unusual cancellation was made seven hours before the match started after one Nagoya Grampus player and two staff members were found to be positive for the new strain of corona.

So far, the J-League has been working hard to prevent the spread of the new corona strain.
The league has been leading the way in conducting regular PCR tests for players and staff “once every two weeks”.

Incidentally, Japan’s professional baseball (NPB) conducts PCR testing for managers, coaches, players, staff, and umpires “once a month,” and the Japan Sumo Association has spent a month since late May testing about 900 wrestlers and other related personnel for antibodies.

I contacted the Sumo Association for information on sumo, and they said that PCR testing is not done on a regular basis. I was told that the PCR test was conducted before the current July tournament, but this has not been confirmed.

From these points, we can see that the J-League took very careful and focused measures against the new corona in comparison to professional baseball and sumo.

However, it is important to note that no matter how hard we try, there will inevitably be cases of leakage when dealing with the new corona.

Nagoya Grampus in particular is known for having one of the strictest infection control policies of any team.
As a rule, team officials are not allowed to invite guests to their homes and there is almost no outside contact with the players. The team also holds weekly lectures on infection control. Even though we’ve worked that hard, we’ve still had an infected person.

The Abe government should take a lesson from the ”Nagoya Grampus”.

Even if three people tested positive this time, no one would blame Nagoya Grampus. In fact, many people are impressed that Nagoya Grampus and the rest of the J-League have taken such thorough measures against corona.

Following this case of infection, Nagoya Grampus has decided to carry out PCR tests “twice a week” from now on. This will be completely out of the club team’s own pocket, and the cost will run into the millions of yen. This shows the sense of urgency on the part of the club team that the “once every two weeks” official test might not be enough to deal with the new corona.

I feel that the sense of urgency that Nagoya Grampus has is extremely legitimate, and their subsequent decision to conduct PCR testing “twice a week” was very quick and thorough.

On the other hand, it is the Abe administration that is so unconventional.

In the midst of what appears to be a “second wave” of outbreaks in Japan, mainly in Tokyo and other urban areas, the Abe administration is actively promoting not PCR testing, but rather, shamefully, “go to travel”.

◆ source article ◆
 “Businesses to refrain from holding large group meetings to allow 70 percent of employees to work from home – Gov’t

 ~July 26, 2020 JIJI.COM~

The Abe administration is completely inconsistent. It’s exactly what they are doing, putting their foot down on the accelerator and the brake at the same time. In the midst of the “Go to Travel” campaign, as noted in the article above, the government is asking companies to “work from home 70% of the time”.

Does this administration want to diffuse the people? Or do you want to keep the people at home? Which one is it?

At least, I assure you that it is “criminal” to incite the Japanese people to travel at this time.

So far, the Abe administration has failed to come up with any effective measures to deal with the new coronas and has given very little assurance, relying on the public’s self-restraint, with Prime Minister Abe in particular repeating a meaningless mentality.

Prime Minister Abe should also learn from the swift and thorough Corona response of the J League, including Nagoya Grampus.

The current Abe administration has gone through “spiritualism” and is even a horrible form of “spellbinding” politics, like Himiko of the Evil Empire.





  1. 1

    安倍首相CIAエージェント説 ~岸信介もCIAだった

  2. 2

    佐藤正久「人権発言」の謎を解く ~大きなものを護るために死ね?

  3. 3

    即位礼正殿の儀で恥を晒し続けた安倍夫妻 ~日本人としての品格がない理由

  4. 4

    世耕弘成・前経済産業相が民間人を提訴 ~スラップ訴訟が中野昌宏 教授を襲う

  5. 5

    天皇皇后両陛下 福島県本宮市をご訪問 12月26日

  6. 6

    安倍首相はなぜ、嘘をつくのか? ~肥大化した ”自己愛” の悲劇

  7. 7

    【終戦記念日 特別寄稿】なぜ天皇陛下は靖国神社を参拝しないのか?

  8. 8


  9. 9

    北方領土問題が絶対に解決しないたった一つの理由 ~安倍首相の責任を問う!

  10. 10

    太陽光”利権”で転落した三浦夫妻 ~「三浦瑠麗&三浦清志」のセレブな生活は終焉を迎えた


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