










The Kishida Cabinet’s method of making decisions through Cabinet decisions is exactly the same as that used during Hitler’s dictatorship of the Nazi Party.

Hitler ignored the “Weimar Constitution” and pretended it had never existed, and used the radio, newspapers, and advertisements of the time to gain enthusiastic support from the German people, and to influence opposing opinions by changing the mood and mood of the place. They criticized him for being illiterate and excluded him.

Under the Weimar Constitution, the Nazi Party, which brazenly “ignored the Constitution,” developed its own theory of a nation ruled by law and enacted bad laws, making those who did not abide by those laws punishable as traitors.

The result was the Holocaust and genocide of the Jews, and by creating an external enemy, they suppressed internal dissatisfaction and united the people.

In other words, their political method was to stir up fear among the people and use it to give their own party a politically advantageous position.

The current ruling party ignores the “Constitution of Japan” as if it never existed, ignores the “Diet” which is the assembly of elected representatives of all the people, and ignores the parliamentary system of government. They just hijacked it and went wild. It’s as if democracy isn’t working in this country.

The central part of this country itself has been “taken over by unscrupulous villains” to the point where there is nothing that can be done about it, and the prosecutors are probably aware of this, but you are the only ones who can control this rampage. cannot be stopped, and there is no way that the Public Offices Election Act can be properly followed under such conditions, and there is even a risk that the election itself may be cheated.

As the people themselves are sovereign, I have warned that this abnormal runaway state of the government is a “state of emergency,” and in the name of the sovereignty of the people, I urge the prosecutors to join forces immediately to “restore the rule of law and legal order.” I hope that you will exercise your power.  

Because they “destroyed the national governing structure” through mental “acts of violence” caused by brainwashing by a cult, it is a “crime” that is illegal and culpable and falls under the constitutive requirements of “civil turmoil.” This is clearly true.

In this situation, if the prosecutors do not use their arrest power to indict these traitors against the state, the people will no longer have only one option, which is based on the “right of resistance” logically derived from the “Constitution of Japan.” Japan has been put in a situation where the only way to preserve basic human rights is through a revolution, and if the prosecutors do nothing to make the restoration of human rights extremely difficult, the nation of Japan will perish. It is possible to predict that.

Written by Souichi Takehana https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094113235952





  1. 1

    安倍首相CIAエージェント説 ~岸信介もCIAだった

  2. 2

    佐藤正久「人権発言」の謎を解く ~大きなものを護るために死ね?

  3. 3

    即位礼正殿の儀で恥を晒し続けた安倍夫妻 ~日本人としての品格がない理由

  4. 4

    世耕弘成・前経済産業相が民間人を提訴 ~スラップ訴訟が中野昌宏 教授を襲う

  5. 5

    天皇皇后両陛下 福島県本宮市をご訪問 12月26日

  6. 6

    【終戦記念日 特別寄稿】なぜ天皇陛下は靖国神社を参拝しないのか?

  7. 7

    安倍首相はなぜ、嘘をつくのか? ~肥大化した ”自己愛” の悲劇

  8. 8


  9. 9

    北方領土問題が絶対に解決しないたった一つの理由 ~安倍首相の責任を問う!

  10. 10

    太陽光”利権”で転落した三浦夫妻 ~「三浦瑠麗&三浦清志」のセレブな生活は終焉を迎えた


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